Presidents Report
I wish to thank all you guys and gals for your commitment to the community activities we have agreed to participate in.
It is so satisfying to see the number of you that are willing to give up your time and enjoy the community spirit.
This is the first chance I have had to seriously THANK Jeff Cahn and Peter West for their dedication and commitment to the ongoing success of this, OUR Club.
As a Lion it is important to remember the order in which we work, we look after Family first, we complete work commitments second and then if we have time commit to some lions activities.
Please remember we are a Team and if you agree to accept a specific job please contact someone if you are struggling, need help or cannot participate. It is vital that we DO NOT let the community down if we accept responsibility for a particular job, so always talk with the committee if you are having any problems with jobs you have accepted.
As you can see we have a full year ahead of us with:
Breakfast Program
Computer Program
Book Program
Refugee literacy
Debutante Ball
Stead Park/Cuthbertsons Creek
Australia Day
Harmony Day
Walk for a Cure
Sausage Sizzles
Multi Sports Festival
Geelong Show Car Parking Attendants
Winter Blanket Appeal and more
If any members wish to volunteer for any of these projects above what they have already committed to please let the committee know
Richard Walter
17 Feb 13